South Pole Station 1960-61
Old Antarcticans Database Project
Philip K Swartz - 1960-61 - South
Pole Station - thumbnails 2
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More old construction with newer added support

Corner of area where roof collapsed

Looking up through collapsed roof area, showing flagpole on top of station

Peter SnoMiller - made in Sweden

The business end of a SnoMiller

A SnoMiller in action

Deep trenches were dug with the SnoMillers

A movable arch was then erected spanning the trench

Building were then erected inside the tunnels

Back at South Pole Station

"Ribbon" cutting for new toilet facility
![] Looking across the "bone yard" (storage), new antennas](images/PS-SLIDE-057-sm.jpg)
] Looking across the "bone yard" (storage), new antennas

New 60 KW generator

All supplies had to be loaded into the station essentially by hand

Bringing in food

Bringing in food

More supplies coming in by sled

Galley area

A C-130 dropping off supplies

D8 tractor with sled backed up to a C-130 off-loading supplies

Delivery of diesel fuel

Tourist raising a flag at the actual pole

Long cotton underwear

Mid layer

Vest with attached parka

The full outdoor outfit

D4 tractor with a cargo boom

First D8 arrives

The second D8

Group photo at the pole on arrival

"Smokey" Walker

Christmas at the South Pole

The station after sunset, looking grid East

After sunset looking out over the bone yard

Ice inside the station

Another area of ice from local heat

Snow would fill in any area open to the weather

Another example of snow drifting in

Ben Harlan, scientific leader of the station, doing his laundry

Snow mine


Science at the station
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Photos; courtesy Philip K Swartz