Signy Island - Summer 2017-18
Jean-Baptiste Thiebot - Antarcticans
Database Project -
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Signy in the Mank

Adelie penguin colony and icebergs between Signy and Coronation Islands

Icebergs between Signy and Coronation Islands

Gourlay peninsula, now with two huts!

Getting about by skidoo when there's enough snow

The easy way to get up the Gourlay snow slope

Gourlay and penguins in summer

Gourlay and penguins in summer

One of each of the major penguin species in Signy - Adelie, Chinstrap and Gentoo

Elephant seals relaxing on an ice floe in front of base

Young elepahnt seals practising to become beach master

Signy and Coronation - summer

Adelie penguins getting about on ice-floes

A view from Gourlay

A view from Gourlay

A view from Gourlay

Base H, cove full of ice floes

Old whale harpoon heads, probably brought from South Georgia to use as weights on fishing nets, now just ornamental

Weather vane on the old boatshed

Adelie penguin and chicks

White phase Giant Petrel, about 10% are this colour

The lounge at Christmas, still looks like a doctors waiting room

Bringing the news of Christmas to penguins

Bringing the news of Christmas to penguins

Christmas dinner 2017

Getting about by skidoo when there's enough snow

Looking South West, Moe Island

Looking South West, Moe Island

Taking the quick way down a snow slope

West coast ridge

Has he lost his skis?

Moss bank

Broken up pack ice, early summer

A verdant moss bank

Broken up pack ice, early summer, west coast looking towards Sandefjords

Foca hut, updated for a new century!

West coast, Giant Petrels nesting

Wave Peak on Coronation Island and the Laws Glacier

The west coast

Moss bank
All pictures on this page © Jean-Baptiste Thiebot