Environmental Threats to Antarctica Quiz

A just-for-fun quiz on what you know about threats to the Antarctic environment.

Don't use the "See answer" box until AFTER you have completed the quiz and got your score, no peeking! You can then go back and see where you were right and where you were wrong.

Question 1:

What is the Ozone Hole?


Question 2:

What is the main danger of the ozone hole?


Question 3:

What is the current situation with mining in Antarctica?


Question 4:

What is the current situation with building and development in Antarctica?


Question 5:

If the ice in Antarctica melted, how much would global sea levels rise by?


Question 6:

What dangers could tourist trips to Antractica pose to the environment?


Question 7:

Some countries want to resume commercial whaling in Antarctica, what are the objections to this?


Question 8:

What is the main danger to albatrosses in Antarctica?


Question 9:

What makes Antarctica particularly sensitive to pollution and environmental damage?


Question 10:

Climate change leading to global warming: