OAE's - McMurdo Base - 2000's
77°50.88'S 166°40.10'E
occupied since 1955 - This page - 2000's

McMurdo Base on November 30th 2008 - click here to see a larger image you can zoom around. - Image Ross Swick.
McMurdo pictures from OAE's
1961 - Larry Johnson
David Blaine (1992, 1993, 2008, 2009) - Camp Arifjan Kuwait email I wintered over in 92-93 (Frozen Chosen) then I wintered again in 2008 at Palmer Station and Summered in McMurdo in 2009. Currently in Kuwait until 2015.
Jonathan Caldwell (2002) - Dallas, Tx email Trying to contact some of my old icemates!
Kristy Carney (McMurdo, 1997 to present and still counting plus 1 winter 2005) - Littleton, Colorado email Started off working in the Skua Deli, and then in Fleetops, The South Pole Traverse, and science traverse (WISSARD) as a heavy equipment operator.
John Clampet (CBU 201, 1968) - Miford - email Spent 2 seasons at Palmer 68/69, 69/70. Worked for ASA and Raytheon at McMurdo from 96 to 2008. Miss all the great people.
Jami Davis (McMurdo - 1997-2005) - Olathe Kansas USA email Wintered over with NSFA 1997 Wintered over as a civilian 2002 with SPAWAR.
William Guenther (2005-2006) - email Albuquerque, NM, USA
Tom Hamann (Winterover 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008) - email Antarctic blog
Andy Holesha (1986, 2005) - Biloxi, Mississippi, USA. email
Robin Lovato (McMurdo 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2004) - Golden, Colorado email Crary Lab Administrative Coordinator.
Scott Mosher (McMurdo - 2007) - Scituate MA, email Started at McM WinFly 2007 - worked McMurdo, Pole and Palmer from then until at least 2016 (and counting...)
Joe Pettit (McMurdo and Palmer - 1990 through 2016 seasons) - Longmont Colorado USA, email Twenty five seasons in Antarctica and counting, including six winters. Spent time at McMurdo and Palmer Stations in a variety of great jobs.
David Pohlod (2007) - email Wilmington, DE. Winter station manager 2006 and 2007, Summer station manager 2007-2008.
Brent S Stewart (McMurdo, Palmer Station, USCG Glacier, USCG Polar Star, USCG Polar Sea, RV Nathaniel B Palmer, RVIB Oden, Marion Island Research Base, 1985 - 2016) - San Diego California USA email
Natalie Sudman (1999-2000) - Minnesota email
William Tinus (2007-2010) - Boulder, Co USA email
Trying to find
- To use this option, fill in the registration form
at the bottom of the page, but include your own name and email
as a contact, requests kept online approx. 2 years.
I'm sure I did this already... every
now and then I send out emails, a proportion of these bounce
back as "not found", often because it was a former
work email or an ISP that no longer exists, as there is no longer
any way to make contact I delete the record to keep things as
current as I can..