Australian Stations in Antarctica
Casey, Davis, Heard Island, Maquarie Island, Mawson
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Who runs
Cool Antarctica?
Mawson Station from Welch Island. 5
am, December 26, 2008
used courtesy Bignoter at en.wikipedia Creative Commons Attribution
3.0 Unported licence
Luc De Pauw (Casey, Davis, Mawson, Heard Island, McDonald Islands - 2007 and 2008, then 2013 and 2014) - Melbourne Australia email At Casey I worked as a diesel mechanic and plant operator. I was working at Mawson as the Officer-In-Charge (OIC) for the Australian Bureau Of Meteorology. I also spent time at Davis, Heard Island and McDonald Islands.
Warwick Williams (Scott Base, Macquarie Island, Mawson - 1977, 1978, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986) - East Lindfield, NSW, Australia email Winter Scott Base - NZARP Winter Macquarie Island - ANARE Winter Mawson - ANARE Summer Mawson - ANARE
Trying to find...
To use this option, fill in the registration form,
but include your own name and email as a contact, requests kept
online approx. 2 years.
I'm sure I
did this already... every now and then I send out emails,
a proportion of these bounce back as "not found",
often because it was a former work email or an ISP that no longer
exists, as there is no longer any way to make contact I delete
the record to keep things as current as I can..