The Emporium of Antarctic Delights
Goods from OAE's and FID's. Items on this page have an Antarctic connection and are available from people who have previously worked in Antarctica (you will need to register first if you haven't yet done so - see bottom of page). Please email if you wish me to include something here, though I will be picky about what I add, in most instances your handknitted tea cosy won't be included, but it might if it has a penguin on it (no 2nd hand books).
Stickers, cards, post-its
from some of my pictures on CoolAntarctica
Ward - Signy)

Many Are Cold But Few Are Frozen: Plain Tales from Antarctica
Short stories based on real incidents that occurred during the author's stay as a meteorologist from 1973 to 1975 at Halley 3, a British Research base in Antarctica about 500 miles from the South Pole as part of an eighteen-man (no women) wintering party.
(Graham Chambers - Halley)

You Don't have to be Tough to be Rough: the exploits of a Wireless Operator in the Antarctic.
In 1979 and aged 19, Andrew Denley qualified as a Merchant Navy Radio Officer. He accepted a 22-month contract with the British Antarctic Survey as a 'Wireless Operator/Mechanic' he was deposited ashore on a deserted island with fifteen other men and told to 'Set up the radio and make contact with Rothera Base'. (all profits I am donating to the Sussex Cancer Relief fund)
(Andy Denley Rothera and Faraday)