Hobart to Antarctica
Bert Clive Burnell Lincoln
Diary from the SY Aurora, Australasian
Antarctic Expedition
page 1 - Dec 25th 1912 / Jan 11th
1 - This page- Hobart to Antarctica | 2 - in Antarctica (i) | 3 - in Antarctica (ii) | 4 - in Antarctica (iii) | 5 - in Antarctica (iv) | 6 - Homeward Bound
Bert Lincoln was an Able Bodied ordinary seaman on board the SY Aurora during a trip lasting just under three months from Hobart to Commonwealth Bay Antarctica and back again to relieve Mawson's expedition during its second summer, the middle of a three summer and two winter expedition.
He was born in 1888. So in 1913 when he went on the Aurora to the Antarctic he was 25yrs old. He served in the Camel Corp in 1918 as a Corporal and died aged 30 yrs. He was 5' 10 1/2" tall, the eldest of four children in his family. War details for Bert Lincoln
What follows is Bert's diary of the voyage. As far as I am aware this is the only such account of an ordinary sailor onboard an expedition or relief ship during the Heroic Age of Antarctic exploration. Often men such as Bert were not even included on lists of the ship's personnel which only tended to list the ships officers, expedition scientists and the support personnel who spent their time on the base.
The diary is in the possession of Sharyn Smith from Australia the great niece of Bert Lincoln to whom I am very grateful for sending me a copy that I have typed out to publish here.
Sharyn says:
"Apparently they weren't to have any writing material on board as the ship had their own news reporters, but he wrote it anyway"
... which goes a long way to explaining why accounts such as this one are so rare, selling the story to reporters or on return was a significant way of paying off the debts incurred by expeditions and possibly of fund raising for the next one. It is typed as it is written. There is an occasional word or letter that I have not been able to interpret, at these points I have written a row of dashes ----- or wrapped question marks around the word where I have ?guessed?
1911-1914 Australasian Antarctic Expedition leaves
Hobart on 2nd December 1911 aboard the S.Y. (steam yacht)
about the Aurora
December 25th 1912
I am still aboard
the expedition ship Aurora. We are lying in Hobart but are leaving
tomorrow Boxing Day for Antarctica to pick up Dr. Mawson and
his parties on the ice. We have been the guests of our captain
J.K. Davis today at a Christmas dinner at the Oriental Hotel
it was a flash affair. After dinner myself and my mate Louis
with three lady friends went for a drive out in the country
to a place called Berridale. We got home to tea about 6 o'clock
in the evening went to a theatre and got aboard about 11.30.
Thursday Dec 26th sailing day
We left Hobart at 10 a.m. had a great send off from a large
crowd. We had our photos taken three times once by cinematograph.
We have on board 40 sheep for fresh meat. We proceeded down
stream to Brown's River where our 23 dogs came off by yacht
from the quarantines station. We put the dogs forward on the
coal which was in bags on deck but later we shifted the sheep
forward and put the dogs in the waist we were outside the entrance
shortly after dinner. We had fine weather until midnight, then
got a heavy head wind, and a big sea rose up and made things
a bit uncomfortable for the sheep started tumbling about and
the dogs howling and fighting as is the fashion of the Esquimeaux
dogs. During the early morning the dogs had to be shifted on
to the bags of coal as heavy seas were coming aboard at the
waist and as the course altered a little the ship started rolling
heavily, we were steering S.W. by S 1/4 S.
Friday Dec 27th
The weather is still
bad blowing strong from the West. Ship is deep loaded therefore
she can't rise over the seas so readily, although she is
an excellent sea boat she is dipping her jibboom clean out of
sight time and time again, and the water is coming down our
forecastle in streams, and is also pouring over the break of
the fo'o'sle head. On the main deck over the sheep and
dogs, and away aft, sheep in particular are having a bad time.
All the passengers are sea sick and frightened of the heavy
seas which come thundering aboard and smother everything in
a smother of white foam. All of us sailors have been wet through
times out of number, now is the time we envy our three strokes
and three engineers. The boatswain killed a sheep as he broke
his legs falling about.
Saturday Dec 28th
The weather is gradually growing worse, the wind is enough
to blow a man off the bridge whilst standing. I nearly got hoisted
over the wheel by a spoke catching between the buttons of my
big quarter master's overcoat as the wheel gave a kick.
The dogs are howling and fighting in fact they have been at
it ever since they came aboard we get many a green sea over
us whilst going to past them, as we must do seeing that they
fight to the death although they are tame enough to try and
smoodge to us if we take any notice of them as we pass, still
the majority of them have their fangs ever ready. They formerly
belonged to Amundsen the Norwegian Ant Explorer who reached
the South pole & were presented by him to Dr. Mawson. One
or two of them have actually been to the Pole. The weather moderated
a little in the dog-watches. We are steering S.E. by S. We have
the lowest top sail and the foresail set.
Sunday Dec 29th
Since midnight the wind
has risen again and the sea is higher than ever and is very
short and is not a long true sea either therefore it is a tremendous
strain on our little "Aurora" she is as lively as
a feather in the wind, and the seas are still thundering upon
her forecastle head and also over the deck house and main deck
and sprays are dashing high over the funnel as high as the topsails
yards. Fancy passengers by the big 10,000 to 20,000 tons liners
voyaging through the tropics talking about rough weather, why
we are in the roughest part of the world in a ship of only 386
tons. So you can judge what it must be like. with her decks
completely hidden under water & foam.
We have had to kill four more sheep which got injured. We took in the fore-sail & lower topsail at 2 p.m. and took a sounding and got 1,617 fathoms & white clay bottom. Wind is now blowing from S.E. & a big awkward sea is running, a lot of blackfish were swimming round the ship this afternoon.
The weather is getting colder every day but we don't mind the cold as much as we have been served with cold weather gear such as underwear, monkey suits, sea boots, mitts, hoods etc. etc.
The weather is still extremely bad & what with the dogs
howling and sheep sculling about things are very lively, and
the passengers who are members of the expedition such as the
secretary two whaling experts & a wireless operator, and
are supposed to help with the work (by watering, feeding and
generally looking after the sheep and dogs) are down in the
cabin lazing and having a a good time and leaving their work
to us six sailors and the boatswain and they will go back to
Australia and boast of the work they have done, but all the
work of this expedition is being done by the six sailors and
boatswain & the sailmakering all the work on board ship
and with any gear that has to be fixed up. We are now steering
S by E.1/2E. and are about 275 miles south of Tasmania, we make
hardly any headway in the heavy weather we have ahead.
Monday December 30th
The weather
is worse again this morning and a heavy southerly gale is blowing
with heavy hail showers. We have been stopping fight among the
dogs and all through the night. The ship is still taking liberal
portions of the Southern Ocean aboard. Great excitement today
as we saw the sun for about five minutes. We had to kill two
more sheep today & one died of his own accord and was used
for dogs feed. The boatswain & myself are the butchers &
the skins are supposed to be ours to sell when we get home to
Australia so you can depend upon it him & I will stick out
for skins. Our watch got wet through three times between 4 &
8 o'clock this morning at midday the weather was getting
worse again our position is Lat 50° 45"S. Long 145°
4"W ship is doing about 1 mile an hour going full speed
ahead again the weather and sometimes she gets knocked astern
by an extra big sea. Our forescastle which is on a level with
the 'tween decks of course is down below is swimming with
water and some bunks are soaking wet. By midnight the weather
was so bad that seas were thundering aboard from fore to aft
and the wind has risen to a proper hurricane and us sailors
wonder what we can see in it to come to sea then some way will
strike up "All the nice girls love a sailor" so we
decide that must be the reason we stick at it.
Tuesday Dec 31st
Our watch came on deck
at midnight & at one o'clock we very nearly had a calamity
as the 2nd mate got knocked off the bridge taking with him the
temperature box and its gear. He went out through the port bridge
railing and struck the main rigging which saved him from going
straight overboard After striking rigging he dropped to the
main deck at the break of the poop a distance of 10-12 ft and
was washing around in imminent risk of being washed overboard
before I could reach him, which I eventually did and helped
him back to the poop and thence to the bridge. I was keeping
lookout on the lee side of the bridge as it was dangerous to
stand any other place. Captain is very nervous tonight as weather
is so bad &at quarter past one he came and asked me who
relieved the wheelsmen at 20 past one I replied "myself
sir". He then said "let me see you can handle her
very well can't you"? I replied "I do my best
sir" He then said "Well tonight remember she is only
a very small ship and this is a dangerously high sea running
and it is not true seas either so keep her dead true to her
course and keep your name up, or she will get smashed".
I steered her steady watching my compass. helm telltale &
big seas as a cat watches a mouse. My relieving man was hardly
at the wheel for a quarter of an hour when a sea came aboard
on the starboard bow and tore the railings off the forecastle
head & swept them over-board. Still have to kill sheep &
----- them in the main rigging making the ship look like a floating
butchers shop. Dogs are keeping there name up for howling and
sailors are swearing on account of being rolled out of their
bunks (on to the wet floor) with the motion of the ship our
watch came on duty at 6 o'clock this afternoon and found
that the wireless was being erected, Yours truly was sent for
the fore truck to send down four coils of copper wire unwinding
as I came down had to hang on to base mast away in the air with
the ship rolling 30° to 35° out of perpendicular either
side also cold as ice aloft finished safely although very wet
working aloft in drizzling rain. The wireless expert can only
send and receive he has to get unskilled labor to do his rigging
of gear ( a nice expert you will say the same as we do good
job a sailor is a handy man. The apparatus was fixed steady
to receive messages at quarter past eight, quick work but we
expect to receive messages tonight New Year Eve. this time last
year I was in barque "Dangy" in middle of pacific
in glorious weather in the trade winds running for Sydney this
year in the bitter cold weather in "Aurora" in S.
Ocean battling South to Adelie land to Dr. Mawson. Tonight is
the finest night we have had since leaving Hobart though still
a bit rough. Our watch was on deck till midnight and we made
our plans and everything went good the officer of the watch
struck 8 bells for us aft & also blew the steam whistle
like mad while two more of us struck bell forrard and spun the
captain round. the stokers were up on deck banging away with
their shovels. and the relieving watch poured up on deck and
joined in too and we made a gloriously magnificent noise especially
as the 23 Esquimeaux dogs all started howling squealing and
fighting at the time. The old man jumped out of bunk in underpants
on to the bridge & was choking with rage till he remembered
New Years Eve then he went below again.
1st 1913
"Aurora's" 2nd voyage
to Antarctica.
New Year came in with much finer weather and the sea is moderating. We tightened up the main rigging & main topmast backstays this morning by frappings and tryeing in with tackles. The rigging had become very slack on account of the heavy rolling & pitching there was danger of the mainmast going overboard with rigging & stays slack. One man went to the crows nest today & sent a message to the wireless operator to see if the gear was working right. It was satisfactory ships position today is lat 51°S & long145° West. Steering S.E. with the wind W.N.W. Squared the yards at 4.40p.m. had lower topsail and foresails set since 10.30 a.m. We took a sounding at 9 a.m. & got 2,170 fathoms of water but lost all the wire and gear & had to wind 4,000 fathoms of new wire on the machine this afternoon. We are now doing about 6 1/2 knots with the good fair wind we have & this is the best weather we have had since leaving Hobart. During last night the wireless operator caught passing messages from Hobart & also from Wellington N.Z.
The dogs are giving their usual concert & we have fed &
watered them & the sheep. Whiskey and Stout was served today,
1 bot Why between 12 men ---- and also 2 bots of Imperial Russian
Stout per man & of course the ones of us who didn't
drink gave ours to our mates or the P.O's result was the
sailmaker and one sailor were blue-blind-paralytic drunk &
caused much fun as the ship is rolling considerably still. The
average temperature today was 43° which you will no doubt
envy as being nice & cool. ha! ha!
Jan 2nd
The weather is fairly good and we are
doing odd jobs again. The temperature at 2 a.m. is 38°.
At 8 a.m. a lovely morning but ship is still taking water aboard.
The dogs are loose for a run around & they enjoy it except
when a sea comes & washes them around in the lee scuppers.
We were dragging bags of coal from the main deck forrard and
tipping it down the bunkers thus lifting ships head a bit and
putting her stern down causing her to ride the seas better also
to steer easier. Whilst at this job got water up to my waist
four times wetting me through& filling my sea-boots. emptied
boots out twice but no more as I got tired of it sometimes bag
of coal & myself would cruise all round the main deck when
a heavy sea caught us but never mind the weather is better & "All
the nice girls love a sailor" ha! ha! At 4.15 p.m. clewed
up and stowed the sails on the yards & took a sounding &
got bottom at 1,850 fathoms but lost wire & gear on account
of ship rolling and pitching so much. At 5 p.m. weather changed
for worse again & with heavy squalls big seas were coming
aboard. Had to chain up dogs to prevent them getting washed
overboard. between 8 o'clock and midnight now and the wind
is screeching through the rigging but the sea is not so extra
rough as the force of wind flattens the sea down. Now midnight,
our watch. turning in the wind has eased a little and this allows
the sea to rise which it does. short and steep making us pitch
tremendously and as we are riding it head on, the seas are thundering
against her bows making it hard to hear anything in the forecastle.
Friday Jan 3rd 1913
Came on
deck this morning at 4 o'clock weather has suddenly grown
fine again. ship is steering S.W. 1/2 S. and shipping very little
water. during the night 4 sheep died or got killed & 2 or
3 more in a dying condition, had the wheel from 5.20 to 6.40
from then to 8 bells was skinning sheep. Boatswain and I dumped
two dead ones overboard without troubling to skin them. At 8
bells went aloft with sailmaker and loosed forsail & set
with with the two watches combined. Then we went below &
had breakfast other watch are now setting upper & lower
topsails & the ship is getting a wriggle on & the more
the merrier as it is the roughest & worst part of the world
here abouts and among the ice is smooth seas and calmer weather
so hey! ho! for the Ice. Our watch came on deck again at midday
and found the weather nice and fine although there was a big
swell on causing the ship to roll heavy at times making it awkward
skinning and dressing the injured sheep of which the other watch
killed four and us two. We will be accomplished butchers at
this rate by the time we get back to Australia. We went off
watch at 6 o'clock & came back on deck again at 7 o'clock
to keep the second dogwatch & found the weather very fine.
Oh we made fast the foresail & lower & upper topsails
at 2 o'clock this afternoon and at 4 o'clock stopped &
took a sounding and got bottom at 1,800 fathoms but while heaving
in the wire it carried away & we lost 1000 fths of wire
and a diver. We went below at 8 o'clock in the evening and
on coming on deck at midnight found the weather still fine,
and the "Aurora Australis" showing brightly all over
the sky. Dogs are very quiet now it is finer weather, weather
getting gradually colder, ships position today is 54°30"S.
lat 144° E. Long. the temperature is 36°. The whaling
people are getting gear and whale boat ready and sharpening
harpoons and lances and spades as we are liable to meet with
whales at any time now.
Saturday Jan 4th
The weather is still fine and is getting
colder it is 35° today. We are steering S.E. by 3/4S the
ship's position is 56°S Lat & 144° E Long. We
took another sounding & got the bottom at 1570 fathoms.
Sunday Jan 5th 1913
Our watch
came on deck at 4o'clock this morning it was my first turn
to keep time. At 4.15a stoker (German) came and started to ?bounce?
me because I had just filled the galley kettle (it was my duty)
and he could get no boiling water for his cocoa. He should have
had cocoa before 4 and relieved his mate in the stokehold at
4. Anyhow he was looking for trouble so we got out on deck and
I got a couple on to his jaw and as he rushed and I sidestepped
I slipped as the deck was very wet & slippery and came down
and as I got up and went for him again the chief officer rushed
down from the bridge and stopped us and told us to wait until
we could get ashore as we would fall and hurt our heads fighting
on the slippery deck. The fireman seem to think that the sailors
are firemen's peggies but sailors are reckoned better class
than firemen, anyhow we won't be bossed by foreign firemen.
We went below at 8 o'clock & had breakfast & the
other watch are now taking a sounding. They got bottom at 1900
fths on a clay bottom. The temperature is 34° we are heading
S.E. 3/4 S.
Monday Jan 6th
The temperature at 3 a.m. is 33°. One more sheep died
and 4 more had to be killed. The decks were slippery as they
were covered in blood. We sailors do not like having to be butchers
but the talent aft (who are supposed to do all this) leave it
all to us. Of course on the lecturing platforms back in Australia
they will say how they did all the work giving us no credit
for it at all.
The topsail & foresail which were set
at 5 a.m. were made fast at 4 p.m. we now have head wind &
heavy seas plenty of water coming aboard& a few hundred
gallons came into our quarters. Our position today is 59°S.
Lat & 145° E. Long. The temperature is 34°.
We have had our bogey stove going in the forecastle since
Sunday afternoon thus making things far more comfortable. and
besides it dries the forecastle floor and makes it nice &
warm for turning out of bunk. We are having plenty of snow squalls
now although we do not have the howling gales of a week ago.
Tuesday Jan 7th 1912 (as
Lent down the gallant halyards
at 5 a.m. were going to send down top gallant yard but the ship
was rolling a bit too much so we left it. Took a sounding and
got bottom at 2,230 fathoms yellow clay. The engines were stopped
from 8 a.m. to midday to enable the engineers to put some fresh
valves in the air-pumps . They are going again now. It has been
drizzling rain and snow all day long. The temperature is 35°.
We have a good wind on the port quarter now and we are bowling
along. It is a wonder the "Old Man" don't set
I have started putting on hard weather clothes today such
as Happy Hooley hood & mitts jerseys etc. I have to take
the wheel now, through the dog watch.
Jan 8th
We have been having sleet & snow
since yesterday, and there are no signs of it ceasing. We are
expecting to sight ice at any moment now. We took a sounding
at 11.30 this morning & got bottom of yellow clay at 2,257
fathoms There is a heavy swell running & the ship is rolling
heavily. The temperature is 34°. We had the main pumps going
two or three times today as the engine room pumps were not working
satisfactorily and the water was over the footplates in the
stokehold. Our position is 62°S Lat & 146° 5"E.
Long. The other watch killed 3 more sheep today. We are a happy
family today. In the dog-watches some were playing crib. I was
playing the accordion while the rest sang. When our watch went
on deck at 8 bells (8 o'clock) to night we found the ship
chasing round after a barrel and after a lot of manoeveuring
we picked it up. It was only an oil barrel probably drifted
here from MacQuarrie Is. where they use a lot of barrels for
penguin oil etc. Anyway we satisfied our selves that it was
not a message from distressed mariners or anything of that sort
as it was quite empty.
Thursday Jan 9th
The weather is still very dirty and we have had snow &
sleet for tree days now. We have not sighted ice yet. We started
killing sheep today in earnest we killed a dozen and the decks
we covered in blood. The dogs had a Christmas. We have only
six sheep left & they will be killed tomorrow. Our position
is 62° 19" S by dead reckoning today. When sounding
this morning we got a yellow clay bottom at 2,200 fathoms. We
took another sounding at 10 p.m. and got bottom at 2,150 fathoms.
I have had wet feet continually since we left Hobart as our
seaboots are not watertight. The wind is increasing tonight
and is raising a bit of a sea but we are in calmer latitudes
now than we were a week ago.
Friday Jan 10th
When we came on deck today we found it very calm although
there was a slight swell on. the ship was hove to for a sounding
alongside a lot of drift ice. During the early hours of the
morning we sighted many icebergs. the sounding was 2,100 fathoms
with a clay bottom. I relieved the wheel at midday and the course
took me into the ice which got thicker until the course was
altered. We have to steer clear of the larger pieces and the
ship punches the rest aside out of her way of course her bows
and forefoot are shod with steel to smash ice with. There are
numerous birds around the ship such as Albatross Blue-billies
and a few nightbirds. Our position is 63° 50' S lat
by 148° E. Long. the temperature is 33°. The temperature
at midnight was 32°. We killed the last of the sheep to-day
and were not sorry either.
Saturday Jan 11th
Our watch came on deck at 4 o'clock this morning and
found the weather like a typical Australian Jan morning except
for the cold. The sun was shining and it was very calm &
still. The temperature was 31°. At 5.30 we took a sounding
and got a yellow clay bottom at 1,950 fathoms. We had icebergs
round us all the morning and at dinner time when we took a sounding
were close to a very large patch of drift ice. The sounding
was 1,620 fathoms clay bottom we entered the drift at 12.30
and it was fairly heavy it was the prettiest sight I have ever
seen. The blue sea with the white lumps of ice shining in the
sunlight and some of the larger pieces showing a bright blue.
The old ship trembled and shuddered when she was punching big
lumps. We got clear of the drift ice about 3.30 and steered
West along the edge of it passing only a few small pieces here
and there with tremendous bergs in the distance. We saw several
seals lying on the drift ice and later a couple of whales. We
have been getting the whale boat & harpoons lances etc.
ready this afternoon. We also saw penguins Antarctic Petrels &
Mother Carey's chickens. A large whale crossed our bows
at 4.15 this afternoon and nearly collided with us, he spouted
right under our bows. We took another sound at 5.30 this afternoon
and got 1,480 fathoms and rock bottom. The weather is still
fine and except for slight swell the sea is like glass. The
temperature is 32°. We were steering S.W. by W. till 6.30
when course was altered to W. again. We have made fine headway
to-day & tonight and are now nearly 65° S latitude or
over 10 degrees further South than Cape Horne which most sailors
considered as "away South" We are now in glorious
weather and have sing-songs every night through the dog-watches
in the forecastle. The Esq dogs were quite glad to sight ice
and were in great excitement when we were punching through the
ice drift.
Next Page 2 -
in Antarctica (i)
Biographical information
- I am concentrating on the Polar experiences of the men involved.
Any further information or pictures visitors may have will be gratefully received.
Please email
- Paul Ward, webmaster.
What are the chances that my ancestor was an unsung part of the Heroic Age
of Antarctic Exploration?