Charles Turnbull Harrisson (1869 - 1914)
Biologist and Artist - Aurora 1911-1913

Married, was born in Hobart, Tasmania around 1869. For many
years previous to joining the Expedition he had done illustrative
and artistic work and had been engaged on a survey and in botanical
and other scientific observations on the west coast of Tasmania.
Stationed with the Western Base (Queen Mary Land) he acted as
Biologist and Artist, accompanying F. Wild on his main eastern
journey and several other sledging parties.
From Appendix
1, Mawson - Heart of the Antarctic
Harrisson subsequently worked for the Commonwealth Department of Fisheries. He disappeared along with his ship, the FIS Endeavour and all hands in December 1914 on the way back to Australia from Macquarie Island. No distress message had been given and no trace of her was ever found, it is assumed she struck a rock and sank quickly.
Awarded the Polar Medal.Landmarks named after Charles Turnbull Harrisson
Feature Name: Harrisson Ice RisesFeature Type: glacier
Latitude: 6627S
Longitude: 09639E
Description: A local swelling of the ice surface 12 mi WSW of Henderson Island, where the Shackleton Ice Shelf overrides an underlying obstruction. Discovered by the Eastern Sledge Party of the AAE (1911-14) under Douglas Mawson.
Feature Name: Cape Harrisson
Feature Type: cape
Latitude: 6643S
Longitude: 09903E
Description: A point just northward of Possession Rocks at the junction of the Northcliffe and Denman Glaciers. Discovered by the AAE (1911-14) under Sir Douglas Mawson, who named the feature for Charles T. Harrisson, biologist and artist at the expedition's Western Base. The spelling Harrisson (not Harrison) is approved in this toponym, and also in Harrisson Ice Rises, on the basis of the honoree's signature on several of his paintings included in Mawson's The Home of the Blizzard.
Variant Name Cape Harrison
Biographical information
- I am concentrating on the Polar experiences of the men involved.
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- Paul Ward, webmaster.
What are the chances that my ancestor was an unsung part of the Heroic Age
of Antarctic Exploration?