Theresa Vandenberg Donche - Original Art Works

Artists Vantage Point by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Artists Vantage Point by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

476.87 GBP

Boom! by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Boom! by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

1748.51 GBP

Building on Memories (Views & Vantage Points) by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Building on Memories (Views & Vantage Points) by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

1907.47 GBP

Burgandy Chair (Views & Vantage Points) by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Burgandy Chair (Views & Vantage Points) by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

2066.43 GBP

Burning Down the House by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Burning Down the House by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

2781.73 GBP

Capricious Cadence by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Capricious Cadence by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

1907.47 GBP

Community by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Community by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

3814.94 GBP

Doors close and another opens by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Doors close and another opens by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

1112.69 GBP

Ecosystem by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Ecosystem by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

1907.47 GBP

Generations by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Generations by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

953.74 GBP

Light Blue Pillow by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Light Blue Pillow by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

1589.56 GBP

Ochre Chair (Views & Vantage Points) by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Ochre Chair (Views & Vantage Points) by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

715.30 GBP

Old Friends by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Old Friends by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

2066.43 GBP

Poetry & Passage by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Poetry & Passage by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

1827.99 GBP

Purpose & Place by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Purpose & Place by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

1351.12 GBP

Red Wine (Views & Vantage Points) by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Red Wine (Views & Vantage Points) by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

3020.16 GBP

Reminiscence & Responses by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Reminiscence & Responses by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

1907.47 GBP

Repurpose by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Repurpose by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

1907.47 GBP

Rhythm & Rituals by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Rhythm & Rituals by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

1907.47 GBP

Rooms-Guarded by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Rooms-Guarded by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

953.74 GBP

Rooms-Looming by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Rooms-Looming by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

953.74 GBP

Rooms-The long path by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Rooms-The long path by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

1351.12 GBP

Rooms-Unbalanced by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Rooms-Unbalanced by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

953.74 GBP

Sea Breeze by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Sea Breeze by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

1112.69 GBP

Sustainable by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Sustainable by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

1907.47 GBP

The Studio (Views & Vantage Points) by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

The Studio (Views & Vantage Points) by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

2066.43 GBP

Upcycle by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

Upcycle by Theresa Vandenberg Donche

1907.47 GBP