Douglas Newton - Original Art Works

Almond Kisses by Douglas Newton

Almond Kisses by Douglas Newton

1192.17 GBP

Apples and Glass by Douglas Newton

Apples and Glass by Douglas Newton

715.30 GBP

Apples, Onions, Blue Bowl by Douglas Newton

Apples, Onions, Blue Bowl by Douglas Newton

1351.12 GBP

Backlit Candies by Douglas Newton

Backlit Candies by Douglas Newton

2225.38 GBP

Blue Glasses and Butterscotch by Douglas Newton

Blue Glasses and Butterscotch by Douglas Newton

1351.12 GBP

Blue into Gold by Douglas Newton

Blue into Gold by Douglas Newton

1510.08 GBP

Butterscotch by Douglas Newton

Butterscotch by Douglas Newton

1192.17 GBP

Cherub and Clock by Douglas Newton

Cherub and Clock by Douglas Newton

1112.69 GBP

Fish by Douglas Newton

Fish by Douglas Newton

953.74 GBP

Five Chocolate Caramels by Douglas Newton

Five Chocolate Caramels by Douglas Newton

1748.51 GBP

Five Marble Eggs by Douglas Newton

Five Marble Eggs by Douglas Newton

1351.12 GBP

Four feathers by Douglas Newton

Four feathers by Douglas Newton

1112.69 GBP

Green and Gold by Douglas Newton

Green and Gold by Douglas Newton

1112.69 GBP

Green and Magenta by Douglas Newton

Green and Magenta by Douglas Newton

1351.12 GBP

Iridescence by Douglas Newton

Iridescence by Douglas Newton

1351.12 GBP

Leeks and Onions by Douglas Newton

Leeks and Onions by Douglas Newton

715.30 GBP

Little Bears by Douglas Newton

Little Bears by Douglas Newton

1192.17 GBP

Magenta and Aqua by Douglas Newton

Magenta and Aqua by Douglas Newton

1351.12 GBP

Nectarines and Pitcher by Douglas Newton

Nectarines and Pitcher by Douglas Newton

715.30 GBP

Onions and Glass Bowl by Douglas Newton

Onions and Glass Bowl by Douglas Newton

715.30 GBP

Peaches by Douglas Newton

Peaches by Douglas Newton

953.74 GBP

Peter Shire Cup by Douglas Newton

Peter Shire Cup by Douglas Newton

1112.69 GBP

Queen Anne

Queen Anne's Lace by Douglas Newton

1112.69 GBP

Radicchio by Douglas Newton

Radicchio by Douglas Newton

715.30 GBP

Rainbow KIsses by Douglas Newton

Rainbow KIsses by Douglas Newton

1351.12 GBP

Red Candles by Douglas Newton

Red Candles by Douglas Newton

1351.12 GBP

Red Spirals by Douglas Newton

Red Spirals by Douglas Newton

953.74 GBP

Shell and Pear by Douglas Newton

Shell and Pear by Douglas Newton

1112.69 GBP

Shells and Feathers by Douglas Newton

Shells and Feathers by Douglas Newton

1192.17 GBP

Shells and Leaf by Douglas Newton

Shells and Leaf by Douglas Newton

715.30 GBP

Side Lit Butterscotch by Douglas Newton

Side Lit Butterscotch by Douglas Newton

1112.69 GBP

Six Hard Candies by Douglas Newton

Six Hard Candies by Douglas Newton

715.30 GBP

Spring Onions by Douglas Newton

Spring Onions by Douglas Newton

715.30 GBP

Squash and Griffin by Douglas Newton

Squash and Griffin by Douglas Newton

1192.17 GBP

Squash and Onions by Douglas Newton

Squash and Onions by Douglas Newton

1112.69 GBP

Star by Douglas Newton

Star by Douglas Newton

1827.99 GBP

Swedish Peppermints by Douglas Newton

Swedish Peppermints by Douglas Newton

1589.56 GBP

Three Marble Eggs by Douglas Newton

Three Marble Eggs by Douglas Newton

1510.08 GBP

Three Shells by Douglas Newton

Three Shells by Douglas Newton

953.74 GBP

Triad by Douglas Newton

Triad by Douglas Newton

1589.56 GBP

Triadic by Douglas Newton

Triadic by Douglas Newton

1510.08 GBP

Two Butterscotch by Douglas Newton

Two Butterscotch by Douglas Newton

1112.69 GBP

Two Kisses by Douglas Newton

Two Kisses by Douglas Newton

1112.69 GBP

Two Picardie Glasses by Douglas Newton

Two Picardie Glasses by Douglas Newton

1351.12 GBP

Two Ribbons by Douglas Newton

Two Ribbons by Douglas Newton

1192.17 GBP

Violet and Red by Douglas Newton

Violet and Red by Douglas Newton

1351.12 GBP