Alexandra Sergeeva - Original Art Works

A series of 4 small paintings Japanese food by Alexandra Sergeeva

A series of 4 small paintings Japanese food by Alexandra Sergeeva

237.64 GBP

Amelie Zorro by Alexandra Sergeeva

Amelie Zorro by Alexandra Sergeeva

388.65 GBP

Big tasty strawberries by Alexandra Sergeeva

Big tasty strawberries by Alexandra Sergeeva

126.37 GBP

Black and white cat by Alexandra Sergeeva

Black and white cat by Alexandra Sergeeva

78.68 GBP

BLUE HYACINTTH #3 by Alexandra Sergeeva

BLUE HYACINTTH #3 by Alexandra Sergeeva

102.53 GBP

bouquet of gerbera and pinks 11*8 x 11*8 by Alexandra Sergeeva

bouquet of gerbera and pinks 11*8 x 11*8 by Alexandra Sergeeva

181.99 GBP

British shorthair cat by Alexandra Sergeeva

British shorthair cat by Alexandra Sergeeva

126.37 GBP

cathedral view by Alexandra Sergeeva

cathedral view by Alexandra Sergeeva

131.14 GBP

City landscape. Cafe. Spring. Lilac tree. by Alexandra Sergeeva

City landscape. Cafe. Spring. Lilac tree. by Alexandra Sergeeva

229.69 GBP

Cute pug (oil/cardboard) by Alexandra Sergeeva

Cute pug (oil/cardboard) by Alexandra Sergeeva

150.21 GBP

Dachshund by Alexandra Sergeeva

Dachshund by Alexandra Sergeeva

150.21 GBP

Dalmatian with glasses by Alexandra Sergeeva

Dalmatian with glasses by Alexandra Sergeeva

126.37 GBP

English bulldog by Alexandra Sergeeva

English bulldog by Alexandra Sergeeva

126.37 GBP

Flowers at the house. Greece. by Alexandra Sergeeva

Flowers at the house. Greece. by Alexandra Sergeeva

118.42 GBP

France, Provence by Alexandra Sergeeva

France, Provence by Alexandra Sergeeva

126.37 GBP

Greek island by Alexandra Sergeeva

Greek island by Alexandra Sergeeva

126.37 GBP

Japanese food ?1 Japanese rolls by Alexandra Sergeeva

Japanese food ?1 Japanese rolls by Alexandra Sergeeva

75.50 GBP

Japanese food ?2 Miso Soup by Alexandra Sergeeva

Japanese food ?2 Miso Soup by Alexandra Sergeeva

75.50 GBP

Japanese food ?3 Shrimp Sushi by Alexandra Sergeeva

Japanese food ?3 Shrimp Sushi by Alexandra Sergeeva

75.50 GBP

Japanese food ?4 egg noodles by Alexandra Sergeeva

Japanese food ?4 egg noodles by Alexandra Sergeeva

78.68 GBP

Leo Tolstoy Street. Saint Petersburg by Alexandra Sergeeva

Leo Tolstoy Street. Saint Petersburg by Alexandra Sergeeva

118.42 GBP

lonely white peony by Alexandra Sergeeva

lonely white peony by Alexandra Sergeeva

62.79 GBP

love song by Alexandra Sergeeva

love song by Alexandra Sergeeva

253.53 GBP

Me and best friend by Alexandra Sergeeva

Me and best friend by Alexandra Sergeeva

102.53 GBP

Meeting by Alexandra Sergeeva

Meeting by Alexandra Sergeeva

158.16 GBP

Morning, spring, Petersburg. by Alexandra Sergeeva

Morning, spring, Petersburg. by Alexandra Sergeeva

102.53 GBP

mr ?at in bow tie by Alexandra Sergeeva

mr ?at in bow tie by Alexandra Sergeeva

62.79 GBP

My Mathilda by Alexandra Sergeeva

My Mathilda by Alexandra Sergeeva

921.15 GBP

oil portrait of Lana Del Rey by Alexandra Sergeeva

oil portrait of Lana Del Rey by Alexandra Sergeeva

523.76 GBP

Painting with two rabbits by Alexandra Sergeeva

Painting with two rabbits by Alexandra Sergeeva

78.68 GBP

Park antique architecture sketch by Alexandra Sergeeva

Park antique architecture sketch by Alexandra Sergeeva

71.53 GBP

People, where are you? by Alexandra Sergeeva

People, where are you? by Alexandra Sergeeva

237.62 GBP

Pink Floyd by Alexandra Sergeeva

Pink Floyd by Alexandra Sergeeva

237.64 GBP

Pink peonies in a transparent vase by Alexandra Sergeeva

Pink peonies in a transparent vase by Alexandra Sergeeva

221.74 GBP

portrait of a French bulldog named Rocco by Alexandra Sergeeva

portrait of a French bulldog named Rocco by Alexandra Sergeeva

62.79 GBP



78.68 GBP

Portrait of a Yorkshire Terrier named Phil. by Alexandra Sergeeva

Portrait of a Yorkshire Terrier named Phil. by Alexandra Sergeeva

437.13 GBP

Portrait of an english spaniel by Alexandra Sergeeva

Portrait of an english spaniel by Alexandra Sergeeva

102.53 GBP

Protea flower by Alexandra Sergeeva

Protea flower by Alexandra Sergeeva

102.53 GBP

Sea port. Scandinavia. by Alexandra Sergeeva

Sea port. Scandinavia. by Alexandra Sergeeva

523.76 GBP

small beach house in GOA by Alexandra Sergeeva

small beach house in GOA by Alexandra Sergeeva

134.32 GBP

small cute bouquet by Alexandra Sergeeva

small cute bouquet by Alexandra Sergeeva

102.53 GBP

Small oil painting with pink flowers by Alexandra Sergeeva

Small oil painting with pink flowers by Alexandra Sergeeva

142.27 GBP

small picture with pink hyacinth by Alexandra Sergeeva

small picture with pink hyacinth by Alexandra Sergeeva

110.47 GBP

small still life with succulents by Alexandra Sergeeva

small still life with succulents by Alexandra Sergeeva

102.53 GBP

St. Petersburg, park near the Gorkovskaya metro station. by Alexandra Sergeeva

St. Petersburg, park near the Gorkovskaya metro station. by Alexandra Sergeeva

71.53 GBP

Still life with a titmouse by Alexandra Sergeeva

Still life with a titmouse by Alexandra Sergeeva

206.63 GBP

Still life with blue bottles and yellow birds by Alexandra Sergeeva

Still life with blue bottles and yellow birds by Alexandra Sergeeva

420.44 GBP

Still life with carrots and peas by Alexandra Sergeeva

Still life with carrots and peas by Alexandra Sergeeva

182 GBP

STILL LIFE WITH FIGS / oil painting on canvas / fruit art by Alexandra Sergeeva

STILL LIFE WITH FIGS / oil painting on canvas / fruit art by Alexandra Sergeeva

221.74 GBP

Still life with fish, fresh asparagus and cherry tomatoes by Alexandra Sergeeva

Still life with fish, fresh asparagus and cherry tomatoes by Alexandra Sergeeva

229.69 GBP

still life with olives and lemon. by Alexandra Sergeeva

still life with olives and lemon. by Alexandra Sergeeva

229.69 GBP

Summer landscape with castle by Alexandra Sergeeva

Summer landscape with castle by Alexandra Sergeeva

94.56 GBP

Tarantino. Pulp Fiction. New reality. by Alexandra Sergeeva

Tarantino. Pulp Fiction. New reality. by Alexandra Sergeeva

874.26 GBP

The fox is looking at you. March 2020 by Alexandra Sergeeva

The fox is looking at you. March 2020 by Alexandra Sergeeva

158.16 GBP

View of the Village in GOA by Alexandra Sergeeva

View of the Village in GOA by Alexandra Sergeeva

134.32 GBP

Volga by Alexandra Sergeeva

Volga by Alexandra Sergeeva

293.27 GBP

walking with a dachshund by Alexandra Sergeeva

walking with a dachshund by Alexandra Sergeeva

134.32 GBP

Well, are you coming soon? by Alexandra Sergeeva

Well, are you coming soon? by Alexandra Sergeeva

953.74 GBP

white goose by Alexandra Sergeeva

white goose by Alexandra Sergeeva

78.68 GBP

wrong parking by Alexandra Sergeeva

wrong parking by Alexandra Sergeeva

102.53 GBP